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All Together Now Bacon Cheese Burger

So far, we've given you a veggie option and a chicken option -- and here, on the last day of Burger Week, is a highly recommended recipe not for the faint (or weak) of heart.

All Together Now Bacon Cheese Burger


  • 1 lb. ground beef

  • 2-4 strips of bacon

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

    Cook the bacon in a frying pan until crispy, then drain and crumble the bacon into bits. In a bowl, add the ground meat, sauce, bacon crumbles and the cheese. Mix together gently -- don't over mix -- until everything is combined. Form four hamburger patties and grill until desired doneness. Serve with a spicy brown mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, sliced onion and big bulky rolls.

    Serve this up with your favorite family-recipe potato salad, or that special, one-of-a-kind side your guests know they can only get at your house!

    Enjoy your weekend BBQs from all of us at Captivate Network!

    Meanwhile, in Captivate Web Land, we've kicked off a new feature this week to prep you all for those Memorial Day, unofficial-start-of-summer BBQs: Burger Week! All the blogs are involved, so be sure to surf on over to check out the offerings:

    -Captivate Cooking has the burgers and sides to keep your grills sizzling with gourmet treats and your guests begging for the recipes!

    -Our online Watering Hole quenches everyone's thirst with 8 simple, delicious drinks.

    -Want to imbibe but are unsure of how your bathing-suit diet will be affected? Weigh-In has Slimming Summer Drinks as an alternative to bottle of beer!

    -Need a new apron for a man or woman? Don't start shopping until you've read this Indulge post!


“All Together Now Bacon Cheese Burger”